Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Da Vinci Games and Portraits

For the past few weeks in Kindergarten we have been learning about the artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci.  We began by watching the a video "Getting to know the World's Greatest Artist: Leonardo Da Vinci".  The students absolutely love the video as well as the book, the cartoon depiction is very entertaining and gives the information that students need to know                               
                                 Getting to Know the World's Greatest Artists: Leonardo da Vinci DVD
After watching the video we discuss the "Mona Lisa" in detail and the mysteries that surround her; one fact that students enjoy is the how the painting has been stolen from museums in the I have created a version of "Doggy, Doggy Where's your Bone?" for them to play.  The concept is the same a students sits in a chair facing away from the class and closes there eyes, under the chair is an image of the "Mona Lisa" a student sneaks up and steals it from under the chair while the class recites this little poem..
Mona, Mona where did you go?
Somebody stole you from the show.
Guess Who?
It could be You!
Or a Monkey from the Zoo!
Then the student in the chair tries to figure out who stole the "Mona Lisa"

Students love this game.

For the next class we begin by discussing Da Vinci and the "Mona Lisa", we identify who is the artist and who is the model.  Students then take turns being the artists and being the model.  Students may pose and the artists studies and draws them.  The drawings normally turn out Amazing...I have included some images of the our drawing session.