Wednesday, January 30, 2013

After a small hiatus from blogging I promise that I will keep you more than updated for this semester.  I would like to welcome any teachers and/or parents that are looking into the artworks that we have been creating this year in the art room.  This year we started out with several different projects going in several different directions.  One of the Georgia Performance Standards in Fine Art for grades 3-5 is that they should be informed about historical Georgia Artists or Art Forms.  My First Graders although it is not a standard I teamed up with the amazing music teacher at school to create a lesson on "Pete the Cat" illustrator and creator James Dean whom is from this great state.  While the kids love learning and and listening to "Pete the Cat"  this lesson also gives some great info and learning points for students.
The lesson began in the Music Room by learning and listening to "Pete the Cat's White Shoes"  The students learn the verses, discuss nouns and adjectives in the story and then they write their own verse.
This is what the students needed to copy and fill in the blanks.....
        Pete stepped in a pile of _____Noun______
        Did Pete cry?   Goodness NO!
        He just kept on walking and singing his song.
        I love my ____Adjective______  Shoes!
        I love my ____Adjective______  Shoes!
        I love my ____Adjective______  Shoes!

The following week in Art, we listened and learned "Pete the Cat and his Four Groovy Buttons".  I had a worksheet with Pete's jacket already drawn and together we drew Pete's head, face, feet, and tail.   Students colored Pete and his jacket.  The next class we listened and learned "Pete the Cat Rocking in his School Shoes"  we discussed the backgrounds throughout the story and how to add a background around Pete.  Students then worked independently to create a background of their choice to the drawing.  I then attached the Verse they wrote in Music and this is our final I product they are currently hanging up and down the walls.  

I will add a few more over the week!


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