Sunday, August 19, 2012

Color Theory

This past week I introduced and reviewed color theory with most of my classes.  Kindergarten learned to mix primary colors to make secondary colors.  We began by reading "Chameleons Crazy Colors".  
Then we watercolor painted Chameleons.  The students followed me step-by-step only using primary colors to overlap and create new colors.

First Grade: Color Wheels
    My First Graders this week practiced mixing their secondary colors to create a color wheel.

Second Grade: Spectrum Color Fish 
   I began by reviewing colors and then introduced Color Spectrum.  The students learned how to create a spectrum pattern inside a shape.
Students will complete these over the next few weeks.

Third Grade: Tertiary Colors
       This week Third Grade was introduced to Tertiary Colors.  Red-Orange, Yellow-Orange, Blue-Green, Yellow-Green, Red-Violet, Blue-Violet; Students mixed their colors to create a color wheel.

Fourth Grade: Complementary Color 
        Fourth Grade learned how to identify complementary colors.  We colored a worksheet that I created to help them remember for the next art project which we will use Complementary Colors.

Fifth Grade: Primary Color Paintings
      I reviewed Primary and Secondary Colors with my Fifth Graders then we did a practice drawing for which we will begin a painting next week.  Students had to draw 1 circle, 1 triangle, and 1 square or rectangle on their paper.   Then using only primary colored artstix  they had to blend colors across each shape and background.  Next week we will create paintings blending the paints to create colors.

I will post the final products in the upcoming weeks as we complete them.

Friday, August 10, 2012

Me, Myself and I

This past week everything seems to slowly falling back into a normal school day routine, which is so nice.  I am finding my voice as a first year teacher and hoping the day goes well.
This week I decided to introduce my Kinders to the Primary Colors and Piet Mondrian seemed like the perfect inspiration. I began by showing students this video I thought it was awesome and the kids loved it.  I also showed this to my older groups and the end of class to get there minds moving for Color Theory next week.     

After the video we focused on our primary colors, I then introduced the artwork of Piet Mondrian.  Students then create there own Mondrian style collages.  I allowed them to choose white or black paper as a base and they then glued down red, yellow and blue paper in various sizes.  
And this is the results...

First through Fifth drew self-portraits this week.  I did not do an official lesson, this was more to see where they are at in drawing.  In the Spring we will do a full lesson and compare the two.
And this is what I got.
3rd Grade

1st Grade

1st Grade

2nd Grade

5th Grade

4th Grade

First week down...

So I am a week behind already, I promise to get this down pat.  So this blog will be about the First week of School and I will update later in the weekend the second week of school.
The First days of school were so exciting and nerve-wracking.  Making sure that all students are accounted for, seating, rules, and expectations; just hoping that I didn't overlook or forget any details on what students should know.  Luckily, I gave the same talk 30 times so by the end of the week I had it pretty down pat.  All in all I loved the first week of school!  For an art project this week I decided that this year everyone was going to have a portfolio to store artwork. Although I have amazing storage closets I wanted students to be more responsible for their artwork.  Everyone and I mean everyone from K to 5 decorated a portfolio (we used Legal sized manila folders).

My Kinders and 1st Graders used scraps of paper to write their name.  For time sake I wrote each students name in glue and gave them long strips of paper to rip and glue.  Here are some the results, I am totally happy with how these came out.

2nd through 5th were given freedom decorate anyway they saw fit.  The only requirement; their name somewhere on the portfolio. I love to see what all they come up with during free draw time.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And it Begins....

School officially started last Monday and I am incredibly excited about starting my first whole year of teaching.  I spent pre-planning adding posters and decorations. Last year I was in such a rush, I never got the opportunity to add my own special touches to the room.  
Here are a few things that I've done.
Outside the Art Room...

Another shot of outside the room.

This year I decided to name the tables by color, so I made large tissue paper balls and hung them above the tables.  

Some other additions are this book shelf with easily accessible art materials.
Above that I pieced together paint chips to create value scales.

 This year I am keeping track of those classes who have GREAT days, when a class has 9 stickers they get to have a Free Art Day!

I am so excited about my new additions, and I will update soon with examples of what we did the for the First Week of School.