Wednesday, August 8, 2012

And it Begins....

School officially started last Monday and I am incredibly excited about starting my first whole year of teaching.  I spent pre-planning adding posters and decorations. Last year I was in such a rush, I never got the opportunity to add my own special touches to the room.  
Here are a few things that I've done.
Outside the Art Room...

Another shot of outside the room.

This year I decided to name the tables by color, so I made large tissue paper balls and hung them above the tables.  

Some other additions are this book shelf with easily accessible art materials.
Above that I pieced together paint chips to create value scales.

 This year I am keeping track of those classes who have GREAT days, when a class has 9 stickers they get to have a Free Art Day!

I am so excited about my new additions, and I will update soon with examples of what we did the for the First Week of School.

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