Friday, August 10, 2012

First week down...

So I am a week behind already, I promise to get this down pat.  So this blog will be about the First week of School and I will update later in the weekend the second week of school.
The First days of school were so exciting and nerve-wracking.  Making sure that all students are accounted for, seating, rules, and expectations; just hoping that I didn't overlook or forget any details on what students should know.  Luckily, I gave the same talk 30 times so by the end of the week I had it pretty down pat.  All in all I loved the first week of school!  For an art project this week I decided that this year everyone was going to have a portfolio to store artwork. Although I have amazing storage closets I wanted students to be more responsible for their artwork.  Everyone and I mean everyone from K to 5 decorated a portfolio (we used Legal sized manila folders).

My Kinders and 1st Graders used scraps of paper to write their name.  For time sake I wrote each students name in glue and gave them long strips of paper to rip and glue.  Here are some the results, I am totally happy with how these came out.

2nd through 5th were given freedom decorate anyway they saw fit.  The only requirement; their name somewhere on the portfolio. I love to see what all they come up with during free draw time.

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